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HHCS Spring Online Book Sale Starts Today, and Books About Family Reading

cover of Handbook 8th ed.

This classic book features chapters on subjects like the do’s and don’ts of read aloud, the good news and the bad about digital learning, getting dads more involved in reading with their children, and many more.



“It’s stressful to be a parent. It’s stressful to be a person. But I’ve found that even in the most difficult moments, on the most challenging days, I can usually reach for a book and feel lifted up, returned to myself. On days when I’ve felt as though I have nothing left to give to my kids, I’ve been able to sit next to them and open a book. We start reading, and the world looks different.”




“The act of reading together secures people to one another, creating order and connection, as if we were quilt squares tacked together with threads made of stories.”

“There is an opportunity with children to show them art and illustration that will furnish their minds with beauty and mystery, symmetry and wonder. The simplest mechanism for this is the selection of picture books that we share with them.”

“Reading every day with children can’t guarantee perfect outcomes for any family—not in grades, not in happiness, not in relationships. But it is as close to a miracle product as we can buy, and it doesn’t cost a nickel.”

And now for my favourite, The Read-Aloud Family, by Sarah Mackenzie.


“A book can’t change the world on its own. But a book can change readers. And readers? They can change the world.”

“When read-aloud time doesn’t look like we originally hoped, we begin to doubt that it’s giving us any of those wonderful benefits we discussed in part 1. But here’s the thing: it still works. Even when it’s noisy, messy, and more chaotic than you’d like it to be, it works. Even when kids are grumbling, complaining, and don’t seem to be listening, it works.”

Sarah Mackenzie is also the creator of The Read-Aloud Revival website and podcast. She is an amazing advocate for family reading!

Read-Aloud Revival Podcast Episodes

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